Marriage is our last, best chance to grow up.

-Joseph Barth

The Wedding Party

Erin Sikorski - The Bride

  • Lived in Calgary most of her life. Works as a public health nurse. Likes movies, playing XBOX 360, pets, gardening, biking, hiking, the mountains, and driving slow.

Siebe Borsje - The Groom

  • Lived in Airdrie, High River, Cochrane, Irricana, and Calgary throughout his life. Works in construction, specializes in drywall taping. Likes gardening, playing XBOX 360, pets, movies, building things, canoeing, biking, hiking, driving fast, and pestering people.

Sarah White - Maid of Honour

  • Known Erin for 5 years, both met while pretending to work at Shoppers Drug Mart. Likes the color green, buying purses, 4 X 4ing, shooting guns, and pink fuzzy things.

Christine Myshrall - Bridesmaid

  • Met Erin in high school and known her for 14 years, convinced Erin to enter nursing school. Likes dogs, shopping, traveling (particularly to PEI to see her family), trampolines, and children.

a.k.a. Chris Verboom - The Best Man

  • Long time best friend. Met Siebe in Irricana 15 years ago. Likes computers, hiking, biking, canoeing the outdoors, and killing zombies.

Bill Bayford - Groomsman

  • Long time best friend. Met Siebe in Irricana 15 years ago. Likes floor hockey, playing XBOX 360, pets, hiking, kayaking, and long walks on the beach.


(People you want to get to know at the party)

Liz Hudson

Jessie Boyden

Joe Sikorski

Lonnie Goudie